Advanced Instruments

A global provider of scientific and analytical solutions for the biopharma and clinical industries.


USD m. Sales




Number of employees


Initial investment year

Since its founding in 1955, Advanced Instruments has been dedicated to increasing productivity and ensuring quality in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, clinical and food & beverage industries. The company designs and commercializes systems that help their global customer base improve product quality and safety, meet regulatory requirements, and reduce costs. Advanced Instruments is known globally for its commitment to customer-centric innovation, exceptional product quality, and comprehensive customer support.

Advanced Instruments has entrenched osmolality as a critical and high-value test enabling the rapid and cost-effective diagnosis of medical conditions and assessment of product quality in a variety of settings. The company has built a strong brand reputation and deep customer relationships, it is recognized as the global authority on osmolality testing, and its products are the standard within each of its core clinical, biopharmaceutical, and food & beverage markets.

Patricia Industries acquired Advanced Instruments in October 2020 and owns 98% of the company, with members of the management team and Board owning the remainder. The company is headquartered in Norwood, Massachusetts.

Key for future value creation
• The key near-term focus is on continuing to add to the company’s human capital, expanding direct commercial capabilities globally, and accelerating investment in the new product pipeline - as well as evaluating additional acquisition targets within both the biopharmaceutical and clinical markets.
• There are multiple organic and non-organic opportunities for long-term profitable growth due to strong and durable underlying growth rates in each of the company’s core markets, as well as a diverse array of strategic acquisition targets within each of Advanced Instruments’ core markets.

Patricia Industries ownership (capital/votes): 99/99 



Patricia Industries

About us

About us

Patricia Industries is a long-term owner that invests in companies and works to develop each company to its full potential. Patricia Industries is a part of the industrial holding company Investor AB, whose main owner is the Wallenberg Foundations.

Our Way of Working

Our Way of Working

We own Nordic and North American companies in industries that we know well, and where we have a relevant network of key people who can contribute their expertise.

Our companies

Our Companies

Our family of companies consists of wholly-owned subsidiaries, partner-owned companies and legacy financial investments.



Patricia Industries is a part of Investor AB, Northern Europe’s largest industrial holding company, which is publically listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. The main owners of Investor AB are the Wallenberg Foundations, controlling 50 percent of the votes.

Patricia Industries in short

Patricia Industries in short

What we do is really a continuation of what the Wallenberg family has been doing ever since André Oscar Wallenberg founded Stockholm’s Enskilda Bank in Sweden in 1856 – actively supporting the development of companies globally.



Great companies are built by great people. It is our firm belief that leadership and individuals make all the difference.


The Team

Meet the people driving success at Patricia Industries

Contact / Career


Patricia Industries develops companies – in the Nordics and North America – and our team of professionals work at our two offices.